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Calypso Product Specialist Lead

2 offen
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frühest möglicher Beginn: ab sofort
zeitlich begrenzte Anstellung: Ja
Dauer der Anstellung: 6 Monate
Kategorien: Freie(r) Mitarbeiter/in
Jahresgehalt: Verhandlungssache
Prämienmodelle möglich: Nein
Berufserfahrung erwünscht: Nein
Tags für Suchfunktion
(durch Komma getrennt):


Years of experience

> 8 Years


Degree (Mathematics or Computer Science preferred).


Kiel, Germany

Job Description

·       Level 2/3 Technical Support for the Calypso platform, including Front office functions, Collateral Management, Back office functions, associated system interfaces and associated in-house developments

·       Responsible for production and maintenance of technical documentation around the platform with respect to configuration management and Level 2/3 technical support procedures.

·       Responsible for Capacity Management, Performance Improvements, House-Keeping and Platform Stress Testing

·       Responsible for Development and Deployment of System Alerting & Automated Monitoring.

·       Assistance and advice to end users in relation to use of the Calypso platform.

·       Ensure that the platform is operating efficiently and that there are no performance or capacity issues.

·       Ensure that all house-keeping functions are fully documented and ideally (where appropriate) automated.

·       Produce Capacity and Performance Management KPIs to assist with the measurement of overall system performance and adherence to regulatory and client requirements.

·       Perform stress testing to measure the intra-day processing capability of the system. Working closely with Infrastructure to ensure that the Calypso system and upstream / downstream interfaces are fully monitored with the generation of automated alerts where required.

·       Understand new requirements and translate to a Calypso technical solution. Assist in implementing software solutions around Calypso and other associated tools/interfaces.

·       Responsibility for assisting with the testing and deployment of software releases into production.

·       Provide Level 3 Support as may be required including some out of hours.

·       To be available by mobile phone/corporate email and telephony services to assist in the resolution of any urgent escalated incidents



Branchenspezifische Kenntnisse
Banken und Finanzdienstleister
IT-Kenntnisse (Skills)
IT-Service & Support & Rollout